Purim Schedule & Highlights
Minyanim Needed
Wishing YOU a VERY HAPPY Purim!
Grab your graggers and join us for the Megillah readings. We will be extending the celebrations by offering an additional Megillah reading on Friday afternoon followed by a festive feast for the whole family!
1. Megillah Reading:
The Megillah is the story of Purim. It is a Mitzvah for every Jew to listen to the Megillah reading twice on Purim; once in the evening and once the next day.
Thursday night, March 13, at 7:15pm, followed by a wonderful party
Friday morning, March 14 at 9am, followed by a scrumptious Purim Brunch
Friday afternoon bonus reading at 4:45pm, followed by a family Friday Night Service and then a grand (Shushan) Purim Matzah Ball
2. Matanos Le’evyonim (Gifts to the Poor):
It is a Mitzvah to give charity to at least two poor people or worthy institutions on Purim day. www.ChabadatLaCosta.com/donate
3. Shalach Manos (Food Gifts):
It is a Mitzvah to give at least two different types of food to one friend on Purim Day.
4. Se’udas Purim (Purim Banquet):
It is a Mitzvah to partake of a festive meal on the day of Purim.