Let’s talk about something we’ve all felt: anger. Whether it’s getting cut off in traffic or dealing with someone who really hurt us, anger can come fast and hit hard. It’s natural to feel upset when someone wrongs us. But our tradition offers us a way to approach these moments that can bring us closer to each other and to G-d.
The Talmud likens getting angry to worshipping idols. At first, that sounds extreme—after all, anger is just an emotion. But when we look at the story of Joseph and his brothers in this week’s Torah portion, we start to understand.
Joseph had every reason to be angry. His brothers sold him into slavery and tore him away from his family for over 20 years. Yet, when they finally reunited, Joseph didn’t lash out. Instead, he said, “You didn’t send me here; G-d did.” Joseph saw the bigger picture—everything that happened was part of G-d’s plan, even if it came about through someone else’s bad choices.
When we’re angry, it’s easy to focus on what someone else did to us. But Joseph’s story reminds us to step back and see G-d’s hand in our lives. That doesn’t mean bad behavior is okay, but it helps us let go of anger and look for ways to move forward.
As a community, this perspective is powerful. When we let go of grudges and see each other through the lens of compassion, we build unity. And that unity is what makes us strong and prepares us for the coming of Moshiach and the Final Redemption.
Shabbat shalom,
Candle Lighting Times
Friday, January 3 @ 4:37pm
Shabbat Ends: Saturday, January 4 @ 5:36pm
Come pick up a Shabbat Candle lighting kit with the prayers and instructions.

NO Evening Services & YES Morning Services & YES Soup and Challah
Chabad provides Homemade Challah and/or Chicken Soup as a service to people in facilities, on chemo, or who just need homemade soup and challah, around the neighborhood. (If you know someone who should be on the list of recipients, let me know.)
We have one new volunteer, Thank YOU. I would love to have one more. Every Friday at 2:30pm. If you can help, please respond.
Thank you in advance!
Mens’ Club THIS Sunday @ 2pm
All men are invited to join us for our monthly Men’s Club on Sunday at 2pm. Not only will we have a lively conversation about current events, but we will share Torah thoughts, and refreshments. It is a great place for us to network and build friendships.
Fast of the 10th of Teves THIS Week
This coming Friday is the 10th of the Hebrew month of Teves, which is the day that Nevuchadnezzer, King of Babylon, placed Jerusalem under siege leading to the destruction of the First Holy Temple in the year 422 BCE. The fast begins at 5:30am and concludes at 5:28pm.
Jewish Trivia Question:
There are only two dates on which we would fast on Shabbos. What are they?
Answer: The 10th of Tishrei (Yom Kippur), and the 10th of Teves are the only times the Jewish calendar mandates that we fast on Shabbos. Obviously, we only fast a bit on Shabbos in this case.
Additional Jewish Trivia Question:
When else would we ever conceivably fast on Shabbos?
(If you know the answer please respond to this email for special recognition.)

“What is the Talmud? Why should I study it?”
The coming course, Decoding the Talmud, is designed to answer these two fundamental questions in depth.
To answer the first question, we explain the Talmud’s goal—recording the Torah Shebaal Peh (the Oral Torah). We introduce the Torah Shebaal Peh as the orally transmitted set of rules that governs the performance of every mitzvah in the Torah, and we explain why it was eventually written down. We get to know the tanna’im and amora’im (the Rabbis of the Talmud) who produced the Mishnah and Gemara over the course of five hundred years. Students get a taste of the rigorous textual analysis the amora’im used on the text of the Mishnah to produce the Gemara, and they also get a glimpse of the powerful logical principles that animate Talmudic learning. In addition, we explore the other side of the Gemara: the wealth of spiritual, ethical, historical, and theological teachings included in the agadata.
To answer the second question, we aim to convey the central role that Talmud study holds in klal Yisrael (the Jewish people). Students will gain an appreciation for the immense value placed on toiling over points of Halachah (Jewish law). They will discover that Jews throughout the generations have regarded the Talmud as an unparalleled religious and cultural treasure. They will also learn that studying the Talmud imparts essential principles of critical thinking and inquiry. And they will come to see that the Talmud shapes almost every facet of Jewish religious and cultural life to this very day.
Weekly Torah Class with Rabbi Sholom
Join Rabbi Sholom Eilfort, virtually, as he gives a weekly class in the Torah Portion. You can view the class on Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort’s Facebook feed (must be Facebook “Friends” with Rabbi Eilfort to be able to see the class).
A number of commentaries are curated to make the class profound while also covering the basics. Everyone is invited to join. There is no cost to participate.
Thursdays at 6pm.
Hebrew School News – HEBREW IMMERSION! - Winter Break
Hebrew School Friday Night at Chabad of Encinitas! THIS WEEK
We started a curriculum where we will go through all of the Alef Bet and learn about something that we are grateful for, starting with the letter of the week.
The first week was א אור . Alef for Ohr- light. And we made lanterns.
The second week was ב בית. Bet for Bayit- house and we made Birchat Habayit to hang in our homes.
Then we learned about Geshem- rain and made rain in a bottle!
We talked about Dibbur for daled - Language.
We are up to Hey for Horim - Parents. We made cards for out Ema and Abba.
Vav focused on infants - Valad and how we have grown.
Chanukah is here!
The children have also begun alef champ which is a self paced hebrew reading program.
I am so proud of all of our ckids students and parents ❤

The Kiddush this week is being sponsored by Rabbi and Rebbetzin Elia and Chaya Eilfort in honor of Follie’s birthday!
It is being cosponsored by Rabbi and Rebbetzin Yeruchem and Nechama Eilfort in honor of Rebbetzin Chana Levy (Nechama’s mother) who is visiting.
Each Shabbos after services, our beautiful community enjoys Shabbos lunch together. It is a true celebration where we bask in each other’s company while savoring delicious food.
We are always seeking additional sponsors, so if you can sponsor a Kiddush, please let us know.
An Important Note about Kiddushes –
The policy of the shul is to allow multiple sponsors for every Kiddush unless it is a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or something similar (like a 50th wedding anniversary etc.).
There is no such thing as an exclusive Kiddush sponsor.
This is our policy for numerous reasons, not least of which is the fact that Kiddush sponsorships help generate much-needed income for our community and encourages more people to participate.
We thank you for your support and understanding!
Soup & Challah Sponsors
Soup and Challah is being sponsored by Clive Walden & the estate of Channah Hale.
NEED MORE DRIVERS, Thank you Sharna Skjei for volunteering.
Challah is delivered to Mental Health Residential Centers in the area, people undergoing chemotherapy, and people who really love the addition to their Shabbos experience.
Deliver and get a bag of challah for your family as well!
Rabbi's Thoughts and Haftarah Overview
Welcome to our SANCTUARY!
(Please check the politics at the door.)
AKA: Is G-d a Democrat or Republican?
By: Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort
The epicenter of any synagogue is obviously the sanctuary. It is the focal point. It is the reason the building exists. It may not be the only thing that attracts and serves the congregation, but it is the genesis of everything that occurs on campus. This is true regardless of the philosophy of the given synagogue.
The synagogue is primarily meant to be a place where the community congregates to jointly communicate with the Almighty. We ask our G-d for our personal and communal needs, spiritual and physical.
There are wonderful ‘fringe benefits’ of coming to the synagogue; most profoundly, the coalescing of a community with shared beliefs, moral and ethical codes, and cultural influences. Indeed, the synagogue serves as the primary location of Jewish community building.
The United States, called by the Lubavitcher Rebbe, of blessed memory, the nation of kindness, recognizes the critical role played by the synagogue and therefore designated it as a non-profit organization, which means that donations made to support the synagogue are tax-deductible. This is very different from the designation of political organizations, where the money donated is not tax-deductible.
This distinction is both telling and critically important.
If Judaism brings us together, politics, by its very nature, is extremely divisive. Allow me to illustrate my point.
Presumably everybody wants to decrease poverty. However, there are sharp disagreements on how best to eradicate it. Some will say if someone is hungry, “give him a fish,” while others will say, “teach him how to fish.” In both cases the donor wants to alleviate the hunger of the recipient, they just have different philosophies of how to achieve their laudable goal.
These sharp differences of opinions can bring out less-than-praiseworthy behaviors, as these debates sometimes devolve into name-calling and vilifying one’s antagonist. That is not to say that political discussions and debates are not worthwhile, in fact they are critical to a healthy democracy. But, like everything else, there is a time and place for them.
The appropriate time for political debate or even political discourse is NOT in the sanctuary of one’s local synagogue, and certainly not during services. Too many people have equated their personal political outlook as being synonymous with morality. Because someone may disagree with their analysis or ideas, they call the person all sorts of horrid names and accuse the person of all sorts of terrible motives, like racism, homophobia, lack of patriotism etc. They have made their politics into their religion, and this is harmful.
Is G-d a Democrat or a Republican? Yes. There are philosophical elements that are foundational to both the Democratic and Republican Parties, which come directly from the Torah. This country is about evenly split between the ‘liberal’ and the ‘conservative’ outlook. What this means is that when politics are discussed, from the Bima for example, about half of those in attendance feel alienated.
Does anyone come to the synagogue to learn what his/her political philosophy should be? I would bet that not a single person comes to shul to be taught about politics. As an aside, I find it ironic that those who profess to be the most tolerant are often times the most judgmental and intolerant of dissenting opinions.
That is why you will not experience a political sermon in a Chabad synagogue. The Rebbe emphasized time and again what our job is (and what it isn’t). Our job is not to teach politics, even if we mean well. Our job is to build bridges with our fellow Jews, to help nurture the latent holiness in every member of our people. We don’t guilt trip. Ever. Positive reinforcement is the order of the day.
In the sanctuary, when engaging in conversation with others, we should be emphasizing our commonalities and encouraging devotion to G-d, to the Jewish people, to the Land of Israel, and to the Torah of Israel. How many of our people need to be turned off to Judaism before we learn this lesson?! In this case intent does not matter, only the outcome. Did the conversation bring the other person closer to Judaism? If yes, it was worthwhile. If not...
It is time we take back our sanctuaries making them into actual sanctuaries! A place of community-building, a place where our beautiful Jewish family can come together in fellowship and love.
Shabbos Parshas VaYigash
Ezekiel 37:15-28.
This week's haftorah mentions the fusion of the kingdoms of Judah and Joseph during the Messianic Era, echoing the beginning of this week's Torah reading: "And Judah approached him [Joseph]."
The prophet Ezekiel shares a prophecy he received, in which G‑d instructs him to take two sticks and to write on one, "For Judah and for the children of Israel his companions" and on the other, "For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim and all the house of Israel, his companions." After doing so he was told to put the two near each other, and G‑d fused them into one stick.
G‑d explains to Ezekiel that these sticks are symbolic of the House of Israel, that was divided into two (often warring) kingdoms: the Northern Kingdom that was established by Jeroboam, a member of the Tribe of Ephraim, and the Southern Kingdom, that remained under the reign of the Davidic (Judean) Dynasty. The fusing of the two sticks represented the merging of the kingdoms that will transpire during the Messianic Era — with the Messiah, a descendant of David, at the helm of this unified empire.
"So says the L-rd G‑d: 'Behold I will take the children of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and I will gather them from every side, and I will bring them to their land. And I will make them into one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel, and one king shall be to them all as a king...'"
The haftorah ends with G‑d's assurance that "they shall dwell on the land that I have given to My servant, to Jacob, wherein your forefathers lived; and they shall dwell upon it, they and their children and their children's children, forever; and My servant David shall be their prince forever."
Condolences | Birthdays | Anniversaries | Yarzeits
HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out to Follie Eilfort, Jon Rozansky, and all those celebrating their birthdays this week!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wishes go out to all of those celebrating anniversaries this week!
WE REMEMBER Arnold Gross, Dr. William Pincus. Esther Cohen, Yoel Seigal, Ann Miller, Pearl Benbassat, and all of those whose Yarzeit is observed this week.
May Mike Schwartz, Doreen Prager, Rachel Perez, Clive Walden, Sheila Lebovitz, Adam Lemberger, Sandy Radom, Rachel bas Shoshana, Roz Mintz, Sandra Sapol, Penny Chapman, Marissa Sacco, Greg Leon, and Shari Ferguson be blessed with a speedy and complete recovery!
Kiddush Sponsors:
January 4: Rabbi Elia & Chaya Eilfort in honor of their son Follie's birthday
Rabbi Yeruchem & Nechama Eilfort in honor of her mother, Chana Levy',s visit
January 11: Sponsor Needed
January 18: Sponsor Needed
January 25: Sponsor Needed
Sponsoring a Kiddush is a great way to feel part of the Chabad at La Costa family!
(You can co-sponsor a Kiddush)
Giving & Helping Opportunities
Security Guard Sponsor Sought – Can You Help?
We have a wonderful security guard who keeps a watch over us while we are in services. The cost is $250 per week. We are looking for a sponsor this week and future weeks. If you are able to help please donate securely by following this link: www.ChabadatLaCosta.com/donate. Thank you!
How to Make a Donation (or Payment)
We would be nowhere without the generous support of our community. Please know that your support is profoundly appreciated!
There are many ways to donate besides checks and cash. Following, please find a list of the various other ‘platforms’ that are available for secure donations that go directly and entirely into the synagogue account (even though they say Nechama's name).
1. PayPal [email protected] or PayPal.me/Neilfort
2. Venmo @Nechama-Eilfort
3. Cashapp $nechamae
4. Zelle (Bank of America) [email protected]
5. Personal credit card chabadatlacosta.com/donate
6. Join our Legacy Circle - see below
Our Soup and Challah Project has been going on its FOURTH year! It was sponsored by Channah Hale and now carried on in her memory.
We are at the point that we need NEW volunteers to drive and deliver food packages around the area.
Please consider making this a part of your Friday routine. Volunteers pick up a few containers of soup and bags of challah at 3:00pm and delivering them to the door of the recipients. Volunteers also get soup and challah!
Enhanced Security
Our number one priority is to ensure the safety and security of our shul family. We have a robust security system in place. We have gone to the added expense of hiring a uniformed, armed guard, who is with us, watching over us, in addition to our internal security team.
The added layer of security is expensive. Please help us by donating to the security of our shul community by following this link: www.chabadatlacosta.com/donate. The cost is approximately $300 per week. All donations are tax-deductible.
New Mitzvah Opportunity
Bikur Cholim of SD Volunteers Needed! Message me if you would like me to share the spreadsheet for visitation hours.
There are a number of patients at UCSD La Jolla that have come from Israel to receive transplants here. They need our help!
Bikur Cholim of S Diego is a community organization helping the sick with care packages, visitation, driving spouses to and from the hospital, etc.
If you are able to give a few hours of your time, it will make another person's day that much better!
To get involved, sign up at www.BikurCholimSD.com
The Foundation Project - City Approved Plan

We are raising funds that will be used towards completing our basement. This project will include a TEEN LOUNGE, CLASSROOMS, a LIBRARY, OFFICES, STORAGE SPACE, BATHROOMS, and more. Call Rabbi to inquire about available dedications. The money we raise also goes towards scholarships for Hebrew School students, our Challah and Chicken Soup program, and all of our ongoing expenses.
New Dedications available www.chabadatlacosta.com/JLC
Create Your Jewish Legacy Plan for the Future - Now

We have been blessed with life! Yet, we know that no one lives forever. This begs the question, “What will your legacy be?” Most of us have children, and they certainly should figure prominently into our plans. But our children are only a part of what we leave behind. Just as we endeavor to give Tzedakah generously, so as to selflessly make the world a better place while we are alive, so too we need to make sure that we leave a percentage of our estates for the benefit of others. Judaism tells us that it is incumbent upon us to leave the world better than when we found it. We do this by giving Tzedakah.
We can help.
Chabad has partnered with the Jewish Community Foundation in the creation of our Legacy Circle "Generation to Generation - Ensuring a Jewish Tomorrow, Today". Many people do not prepare appropriately for the inevitable. They do not leave a will, or even if they do it is not consistent with Jewish Law. If one wants his body to be handled with the respect and care mandated by Jewish Law or if one wants the funeral service conducted according to Jewish Law, it must be arranged in advance. Don’t leave these critical details to luck!
Contact Rabbi Eilfort for a private appointment so these important matters can be handled how you want.
Send a personal email to [email protected] to schedule an appointment today.
We honor our Legacy Circle Members*:
Joel Barnett
Angela Chapman
Beverly Galperin
Anonymous 1
Channah Hale
Len Hyman
Devorah Katz
Sheila Lebovitz
Ilyse Loven
David Markoff
Anonymous 2
Karen Miller
Ed Richard
Ira Schechtel
Sharon Silverstein
Steve and Cindy Marion Walker
Anonymous 3
*Has provided Chabad with a Declaration of Intent.
Click here for a Declaration of Intent and more information
Memorial Plaques & Tree of Life Plaques Available
Our beautiful Memorial Boards have been installed. We specifically designed our custom-built bookcases to ‘frame’ each of the boards. The first Memorial Board was dedicated by the Brunelle Family, the second Board was dedicated by the Alter Family, and the new Board has been dedicated by Miriam Reisman in memory of her husband, Harold.
We are currently offering Memorial Plaques to those who wish to perpetually honor the memory of a loved one in a most dignified and permanent manner. Those who dedicate Memorial Plaques will also receive yearly reminders of the Yarzeit in the newsletter and in the calendar and the light on the Board will be illuminated each year on the Yarzeit. The donation is only $500 per Memorial Board plaque.
We also have a gorgeous Tree of Life dedicated by the Lieberman Family that has been ‘growing. The purpose of the plaques on the Tree of Life is to commemorate joyous occasions (like Bar/Bat Mitzvah, anniversaries, special birthdays, weddings etc.). The donation is $180 for a leaf on the Tree of Life.
Those who wish to participate should send an email to [email protected], or call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891.
We are excited to designate a section of our Tree of Life to our Legacy Circle. Watch the Tree and see article above.
We have an ever-expanding menu of online learning opportunities for everyone. Below please find an overview of our current classes and a schedule of when you can join in on Facebook Live. If you miss the live class you can watch the recorded version, on Facebook.
JLI Course - this series of courses requires registration...

Coastal Gan - GROWING AGAIN!
We are looking for NEW STUDENTS and NEW STAFF
We are accepting infant and preschool age children.

I Please Like the shul’s Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/ChabadatLaCosta
For up to date pictures and announcements follow our Facebook Page and join our community Group.
Coastal Chabads are here for YOU

Kosher Food Options in SD:
Ralph's La Jolla - a full service Kosher market, bakery, and deli, dairy (CY) also available. Store Hours 5am to 1am. Counter hours 9-5 (Fridays 9-2)
8657 Villa La Jolla Dr, La Jolla, CA 92037
Vaad HaRabanim of San Diego and RCC
Harissa - Mediterranean Cuisine (used to be Botanic Burger) Sun 10:30am-5:30pm Mon-Thurs 10:30am-8pm
4126 Executive Dr, La Jolla, CA 92037 (in the JCC)
Vaad HaRabanim of San Diego
Parisien Gourmandises - Dairy items NOT CY Pareve items are acceptable, some CY items available M-Th 9am-5:30pm
7643 Girard Ave, La Jolla, CA 92037 (inside Floral Palette La Jolla)
KSA Kosher
Spice at the Oceanview cafeteria UCSD - Spice station is a international themed restaurant, located within the Oceanview Terrace at UCSD. Hrs?
9500 Gilman Drive 0512, Thurgood Marshall College, La Jolla, CA 92037
(858) 822-1677
Hamitbach - Israeli street food S-Th 11am-7pm F 11am-3pm
5664 Mission Center Rd #402, San Diego, CA 92108
Vaad HaRabbonim of San Diego
La Mesa Pizzaworks - Classic & Unique Pizzas. Ice cream Sun-Thurs 11am-8pm Fri 11am-2pm
Saturdays Closed (check out our social media and website for special Saturday Nights that we will be open)
Dine in and takeout
7406 University ave, La Mesa, CA 91942
Vaad HaRabanim of San Diego Pas Yisroel, Bishul Yisroel, Cholov Yisroel.
Boker Kitchen - Coffee, Breakfast, Pasta, Pizza S-Th 9am-8pm F 9am-3pm
8935 Towne Centre Dr, San Diego, CA 92122
Vaad HaRabanim of San Diego Pas Yisroel, Bishul Yisroel, Cholov Yisroel.
Meats and Eats - Shopping for kosher meat, and poultry, mostly frozen goods. Packaged groceries and baked goods. M-Th 9am -7pm
12925 El Camino Real J-0, San Diego, CA 92130
(760) 756-7437
Vaad HaRabanim of San Diego Check packages for Kosher status.
Mega Glatt Mart - Large variety of meat and groceries. Hours S-Th 9-6 Fr 9-3
6375 El Cajon Blvd suite F San Diego, CA 92115
(310) 663-6528
Prepackaged items under RCC Check packages for Kosher status.
DAILY JEWISH NEWS Available in Your Inbox for Free!
Sign up, as we have, for the daily Jewish news by subscribing to the www.sdjewishworld.com. Our dear friend and noted writer, Don Harrison, curates a refreshing variety of Jewish-interest stories. The daily emails are refreshing, as they come from a Jewish perspective. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Simply logon to the website and follow the prompts to subscribe.
Security Protocols
Everyone is Subject to Search
No Firearms (We have a well-defined security plan in effect and any unauthorized firearms could create confusion and actually reduce security).
Backpacks Prohibited
All Bags Subject to Search
Need a Minyan?
If you need a Minyan to say Kaddish please give the office at least a few days’ notice. We are happy to provide this important service, but it takes time to arrange enough participants to assure the quorum is present. Please email [email protected] your request.
Shabbat Services with Meaning & Joy
Every Saturday we get together to celebrate the holy Shabbat in song and prayer. Our services are both traditional and user-friendly, as we fully recognize that not everyone has experience Davening (praying) in a traditional setting. What those who have joined have found is that the atmosphere in our synagogue is conducive to meaningful meditation. A knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary to participate. In fact, the only thing that is needed is the desire to learn and to connect to the Almighty. It is an enriching experience not to be missed! Shabbat services begin at 10am and conclude at approximately 12:30pm and are followed by a wonderful community lunch. There is no cost to attend and reservations are not needed.
NOW is the time to join the family! Membership includes High Holiday seats and discounts on other programs and activities. However, the main reason to join is to demonstrate your commitment to the future of Judaism in our area and to our community.
If you have already filled out and returned your Membership form please accept this message as our sincere thank you!
We urge you to pick the level of Membership and the financial commitment you feel comfortable with, and to fill out the form that you will find by following this link: www.ChabadatLaCosta.com/membership. We thank all of our amazing donors!
Belonging to a Jewish Community is not only gratifying and fulfilling it is also extremely important, for within the community one finds a place to connect with G-d and one’s soul, a place of learning and spiritual enrichment, a great source of friends, a place to bestow one’s Jewish legacy upon his or her child/ren, and so much more. Check out www.ChabadatLaCosta.com to learn more.
The beauty of OUR Jewish Community is that we offer so many different options that everyone is sure to find something enriching and meaningful. Below please find a partial list of some of our current offerings. If you have never come by before pick an item or two and try it out. If you have already tried an item or two find another one that sounds interesting and give it a whirl. “Connection” – that is the name of the game and that is precisely what you will find here!
*Daily Minyan *Shabbat Services *Weekly Kiddush Luncheon *Mysticism Classes *Torah Portion Class *Hebrew School *Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training *Mommy and Me *Family Friday Night Services and Dinner *Women’s Group *Youth Activities *Pastoral Counseling *Holiday Programming *Community Meals *Hospital Visitation *Weekly Email Updates *Hospital Visitation *Mezuzah Campaign *Jewish Heritage Workshops *Jewish Learning Institute Affiliate *Jewish Encinitas *Chabad of Carlsbad N *Coastal Gan Preschool *Ckids Hebrew School
Shul Etiquette
Those who join us regularly for Shabbat services will agree that we have something very special going. The family-friendly atmosphere is unique and most inviting. We welcome everyone as though he/she is a long time member of the family.
At the same time it is important to remember that we are a synagogue. Our sanctuary is meant to be a place where it is conducive to finding inner peace and tranquility. That is why the Rabbis have many laws concerning the decorum of a shul.
It is appropriate to dress modestly and to dress somewhat formally in shul. Men should wear button down shirts, slacks (no jeans or shorts), with jackets and even ties when possible. Of course the head is to be kept covered at all times. Women should wear skirts that go past the knees and blouses with high neck lines and sleeves that cover the elbows. Married women should wear hats and the like.
Children must be supervised at all times by the parents except during Junior Congregation (11:30am). While we want the children to have a great time together it is also important that they do not become so wild and/or boisterous that they disturb those of us who are participating in the services.
We must remember that we should walk to shul and never park in the parking lot if there already eight cars parked. Finally, and we fully realize this goes against Jewish DNA, it is appropriate to come to shul ON TIME. While we know everyone is vying to be counted as the 10th, we are equally sure Hashem will give extra credit to those who come ON TIME at 10am (not to be confused with 11:30). We look forward to seeing you here!
Cell Phones & Chatting During Services
Needless to say the sanctuary on Shabbat or holidays is a place that must be conducive to reflective prayers and serenity. To help keep it this way, please refrain from engaging in any conversations during services and please do not bring in your cell phone. Thank you for your cooperation.
Critical Maintenance Issue – Your Cooperation Needed
PLEASE NOTE: The ONLY thing that may be flushed is toilet paper – NO EXCEPTIONS. This means tissue, baby wipes, paper towels, or any other product may NEVER be flushed, but instead must be disposed of in the provided trash receptacles.
THANK YOU for your cooperation!
Public Service Announcement – Let’s Work TOGETHER to Maintain OUR Shul
We have a beautiful shul. Everyone agrees. It is not easy to maintain everything, but we work hard to keep things clean and in good working order. We need your help.
Our sanctuary is graced with gorgeous, custom made, stained glass windows. These windows MUST be kept in pristine condition. Please respect the windows by only looking and never touching them. G-d forbid, they can easily be scratched if we are not careful. Also, please do not put ANY objects (cups, books, tissues etc.) on the window sills as it detracts from the windows.
Our custom-built furniture from Israel is as precious as it looks. People have put down cups (full and empty) on the partitions and the shelves. This is inappropriate. Children cannot sit on or climb on the furnishings – other than sitting in the pews as they were designed to be used. No exceptions.
Please put away your own Talis and prayer books, and replace the book racks when done using them. Please throw away your own garbage.
If we can all work together we will keep our shul beautiful!
THANK YOU for your understanding and cooperation.
Omni La Costa Resort Welcomes Chabad at La Costa Guests
We are pleased that our world-famous neighbor, the Omni La Costa Resort, has extended a special program offering all sorts of perks to those who book using the Chabad code when booking.
More than 600 people use the Chabad code each year ! Many people have expressed gratitude at having such world-class facilities in such close and convenient proximity to our Shul, and the joy at being to stay at the Omni and walk to Chabad for Shabbat services.
For discount details, to make your reservation, or to share the information with a friend, visit www.chabadatlacosta.com/omni and click through. And remember to leave a positive review.
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858-815-6930 (Fax)
►Jonathan Rozansky : Your Chabad Real Estate Agent & Mortgage Broker
Whether you are Selling, Buying or Refinancing your home, do not proceed without calling Jonathan Rozansky, a licensed realtor and mortgage professional, first. Jonathan will look out for your best interest and can answer all your real estate and financing questions. Call for a free market analysis report today.
Jonathan Rozansky
Direct (619) 392-1234
[email protected]
DRE. # 01754457
NMLS ID : 315987
► Ron Lewis Insurance Services
[email protected]
760-525-5769 - Cell
866-718-1600 - Toll-free
Specializing in Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance!
• As an independent agent, I work with ALL the major insurance carriers.
• Let me do the shopping for you!
• I will save you money on your insurance premiums.
• Call me for a free, no-obligation quote.
• References available upon request.
► Neal Sperling Business Development
Highly talented, highly experienced business development/marketing consultant to wide range of businesses and non-profits can help you to find innovative new ways to raise money, launch, brand, market, sell, merchandise, and promote your products, services, and organization. Has written and improved wide variety of business plans, marketing plans, obtained major grants/new funding for a wide variety of ventures. Has unique ability to study most any business, quickly and creatively identify new sources of potential revenue, reduce costs, increase efficiencies, and drive more sales in the quickest time frames. Recognized expert on how to drive new sales via the internet. Acclaimed speaker to Southern California business groups, and particularly known for being a great “connector” with ability to introduce you to a wide variety of hard-to-reach decision-makers in various fields. Strong background in consumer products, medical products, high tech, "clean tech," "green" products, non-profits, much more. Call for details: cell: 818-219-9585.
►Dream Home Cinema
*Family Room Surround
*Wholesale House Audio
*Home Automation
Joseph Markowitz:
[email protected]
►Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoos
I am a small Jewish farmer running my business in La Costa called Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoo. I arrive with my animals at little children's birthday parties, senior homes, graduation parties, and resorts in the area, to share my love of animals. I also do animal therapy with children and adults. Fantastic!! Call me to make an appointment or set up a birthday party.
Pam Glickman 760-535-5293
►Healthy Haven Live Radio Show with Anna Mintz
►Window Paintings and Murals by Eileen Tilt-Lavy contact info available
Cost Effective Advertising Available HERE
Hundreds of people see Chabad at La Costa's Weekly Email Update. Those who are looking to effectively promote their business and at the same time support this important community resource are invited to become sponsors for only $50 per month (that's per MONTH, not per week). Call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891 to get your message out there.